Inclusion for All

Our Community is what makes this one of the best social and play events of the year!

The Indiana Leather & Kink Weekend is open to and geared towards all folx in our incredibly diverse kink / leather / fetish / pet community, whether you are new, established or simply curious - regardless of sex, gender identity, fetish, kink, age or ability - if you were born "human" and are an adult we would be honored to welcome you and share our enthusiasm together!

Our event strives to create a safe space for all that attend - you have every right to feel comfortable expressing your most playful aspects while expecting mutual respect of your comfort levels and personal space. Kink shaming, discrimination and non-consensual actions are expressly forbidden.

It would be impossible to foresee every need and proactively provide every accommodation - if there's something we can do to make your experience even better, please reach out and let us know! We have also empowered our on-site Dungeon Master and leadership to quickly address any issues.


The Indiana Leather & Kink Weekend serves three distinct purposes to the Indiana Leather, Kink, Fetish, pet and trainer community:


Provide a fun and unique social and educational experience to the leather/kink/fetish/pet and trainer community as a whole. Historically, contests such as Indiana Leather & Kink Weekend have been established to unite the community. In that spirit, this contest exists to allow new connections and educate the community on resources while providing an outlet to share common interests.


Select representatives of Indiana pet, pup, and trainer as well as the Indiana Leather community to represent at events, contests, and throughout our community during their title year.


Educate contestants and the public about the importance of events, such as the Indiana Leather & Kink Weekend, in building and supporting a stronger community identity with shared goals and values. This is done through educational opportunities leading up to the contest, educational opportunities at the event itself, and explicitly sharing contest goals and judging criteria during the contest in order to build enthusiasm surrounding the title and its potential for the community.

Indiana Leather and Kink Weekend Hotel Takeover Rules, Guidelines, and Policies

1. Inclusion Policy

Respect for All Identities: The Indiana Leather and Kink Weekend is a welcoming and inclusive event for individuals of all genders, sexual orientations, races, ethnicities, abilities, and kink identities. Discrimination or harassment based on these or any other personal characteristics will not be tolerated.

Accessibility: We strive to create an accessible environment for all attendees. If you have any specific needs or concerns, please communicate with event staff prior to or during the event so we can accommodate you appropriately.

Zero Tolerance for Hate: Any form of hate speech, bigotry, or exclusionary behavior is strictly prohibited. Attendees who engage in such behavior will be asked to leave and may be banned from future events.

2. Consent Policy

Informed and Explicit Consent: All activities require explicit, informed, and enthusiastic consent. This means that all parties involved must understand the nature of the activity, the associated risks, and agree to participate willingly.

Ongoing Consent: Consent is an ongoing process. Anyone involved in a scene or activity has the right to stop or withdraw consent at any point, for any reason. It’s crucial that all participants respect the dynamic and boundaries set during the scene.

Respect Safe Words and Signals: Safe words or signals are mandatory in all scenes. If a safe word or signal is used, the scene must stop immediately. The most commonly used safe words are "Red" (stop) and "Yellow" (slow down). If you are unsure about what safe words to use, discuss this with your partner(s) before beginning any activity.

Consent in Non-Play Interactions: Consent extends beyond scenes. Respect personal space and boundaries in all interactions, whether in conversations, touching, or other social behaviors. When in doubt, ask.

3. Procedure for Handling Consent Violations

Reporting a Violation: If you experience or witness a consent violation, it is essential to report it immediately to event staff. Reports can be made in person to any staff member, through the event’s designated safety team, or via the anonymous feedback form (details below).

Response Protocol:

4. R.A.C.K. (Risk-Aware Consensual Kink)

Risk Awareness: Participants must be aware of the risks associated with any activity they engage in. This includes understanding the physical, emotional, and psychological risks involved.

Communication: Clear and honest communication about limits, boundaries, and expectations is mandatory before any scene begins. Make sure that all parties understand and agree on the terms of play.

Safety Precautions: Use appropriate safety measures, such as safe words, signals, and protective gear. Always have a plan for aftercare and emergency situations.

5. Dungeon and Play Space Etiquette

Authorized Use Only: Only authorized individuals may use designated dungeon or play spaces. Spectators must observe from a respectful distance, ensuring they do not disrupt the scene.

No Interruption: Do not interrupt, comment on, or join any scene unless explicitly invited by all participants. Respect the energy and focus of those involved.

Cleanliness: All equipment and surfaces must be cleaned and disinfected before and after use. This includes wiping down benches, tables, and any toys or tools used during the scene.

6. Public Spaces and Behavior

Appropriate Attire: While this is a kink-positive event, please remain appropriately dressed in public areas of the hotel. This includes hallways, lobbies, and dining areas.

Discreet Play: Do not engage in any play or activities that could be considered disruptive or non-consensual in public spaces. Reserve such activities for designated areas.

7. Alcohol and Substance Use

Responsible Consumption: If you choose to consume alcohol or other substances, do so responsibly. Your ability to provide or withdraw consent must not be impaired.

No Intoxicated Play: Individuals who are visibly intoxicated or under the influence of drugs will not be allowed to participate in any play scenes. Safety and clear-mindedness are paramount.

Zero Tolerance for Non-Consensual Behavior: Any participant found engaging in non-consensual activities while under the influence will be asked to leave the event and may face further consequences.

8. Privacy and Confidentiality

No Unauthorized Recording: Respect the privacy of all attendees. Do not photograph, film, or record anyone without their explicit consent.

- **Confidentiality:** What happens at the Indiana Leather and Kink Weekend stays at the event. Do not share identifying details or personal information about other participants outside the event without their permission.

#### **9. Health and Hygiene**

- **Personal Hygiene:** Maintain a high standard of personal hygiene. This includes showering before engaging in any play scenes and using appropriate protection for fluid-bonded activities.

- **Infection Control:** Use provided cleaning supplies to disinfect equipment before and after use. For activities involving blood or bodily fluids, ensure proper barriers (such as gloves and dental dams) are used.

#### **10. Respect for Hotel Property**

- **Treat the Venue with Respect:** We are guests at the hotel, and it is essential that we treat the property with care and respect. Any damage to hotel property will not only affect our ability to return in the future but may also result in liability for damages.

- **Use Equipment Properly:** Do not misuse furniture, fixtures, or any other hotel property. If you are unsure about the proper use of any equipment, ask for assistance.

- **Report Issues Immediately:** If you notice any damage or problems with hotel facilities, report it to event staff immediately. Prompt reporting can prevent further issues and demonstrate our respect for the venue.

#### **11. Emergency Protocols**

- **Familiarize Yourself:** Know the location of first aid kits, exits, and other emergency resources. Familiarize yourself with the event’s emergency procedures.

- **Seek Help When Needed:** In case of an emergency, notify event staff or hotel personnel immediately. Do not hesitate to seek help if you or someone else needs it.

#### **12. Communication with Staff**

- **Staff Assistance:** Event staff and volunteers are here to help. If you have any questions, concerns, or need assistance, do not hesitate to reach out.

- **Reporting Issues:** If you experience or witness any behavior that violates these guidelines, report it to a staff member immediately. Your report will be handled with discretion and respect.

- **Compliance:** Follow all instructions and decisions made by event staff. They are responsible for maintaining a safe and consensual environment for everyone.

#### **13. Disciplinary Actions**

- **Consequences for Violations:** Violations of these rules will be taken seriously. Depending on the severity of the violation, consequences may include a warning, removal from the event, or banning from future events.

Indiana Leather & Kink Weekend Photo Policy

At the Indiana Leather & Kink Weekend, we prioritize the safety, privacy, and comfort of all attendees. In light of the importance of maintaining a secure and respectful environment, we have established the following photo policy:

- **Personal Photos Only:** Attendees are permitted to take photos of themselves or their belongings, but no other person should appear in the background of your shots, whether intentionally or accidentally. This ensures the privacy and security of everyone present.

- **No Candid Photos of Others:** Do not take photos of other attendees without their explicit, prior consent. This includes group photos, candid shots, or any images where another person could be identified.

- **Safety and Security Enforcement:** Event staff and security personnel will be actively monitoring and enforcing this policy throughout the weekend. Anyone found violating the photo policy may be asked to delete the image(s) immediately and could face further consequences, including removal from the event.

- **Respect for All Attendees:** We ask everyone to respect the privacy and comfort of fellow attendees. Please be mindful of your surroundings when taking photos and ensure you are not inadvertently capturing others in your images.

By following this policy, we can create a safe, secure, and enjoyable environment for all who attend. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we work together to protect the privacy and safety of our community.

Playspace Rules for ILKW

  1. Be respectful of others scenes - watching is fine, interrupting is not.
  2. Consent is paramount. (No Means No. Maybe Means No. Strive for Enthusiastic Consent.)
    1. Do not touch anyone without consent (this includes hugging).
    2. Do not touch toys or items that are not yours without the consent of the owner.
    3. Report lost or found items to the Dungeon Monitors (DM's).
  3. The Universal Safe Words are "RED" and "SAFEWORD". Use of these shall halt play in the scene immediately.
  4. If you see something, say something. Dungeon Monitors (DM's) are nearby and ready to help.
  5. Contact a DM before you do any of the following (prior authorization required, or you may be asked to leave):
    1. Breath Play
    2. Consensual Non-Consent (Safe Words will still remain active)
    3. Play involving gags or hoods, where a Safe Word may not be properly audible
    4. Play involving degradation, or humiliation (Rough body play should be kept to the mats)
    5. Play involving real or fake "sharp" objects (such as knives used only for in-scene, non-cutting play)
  6. Restricted Play:
    1. NO sex
    2. NO Fire Play
    3. NO Bodily Fluid Play (i.e. scat, piss, blood, or vomit)
    4. NO Firearms (real or prop) shall be in the play space at ANY TIME!
  7. Messy Play:
    1. If you know things may get messy during play, please bring your own pads/drop cloths or use one of the provided pads.
      1. You are responsible for cleaning up any messes you make.
    2. If skin is broken unintentionally during play, stop immediately and begin first aid and cleanup of the area before disembarking. Also, notify a DM of the issue.
  8. NO open drinks inside the dungeon space.
    1. All drinks must have lids or caps.
    2. No glass containers.
    1. This will only be done if there is an emergency. Cover up, and do not resume play until told it is okay to do so by the DM's.
  10. The Dungeon Monitors may halt any play that they deem necessary.
    1. The Head Dungeon Monitors may halt any play and/or may stop a scene indefinitely for any reason.
    2. The ILKW Staff may remove individuals from the event space for any reason. The ILKW Staff have the final say in decisions made by DM's.